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ताजा हिंदी समाचार, दुनिया भर की ताज़ा ख़बरें

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The Charchit Rajnit is an essential read for Indians who want to know about the issues, facts and opinions that affect our domestic landscape and the world at large. In print for several years, The Charchit Rajnit has consistently delivered India's best and deepest coverage of national, international and business news.

Our audience consists of India's most influential and affluent citizens--readers who depend on our timely, balanced reporting and analysis in order to form their own opinions and plan their personal and professional lives accordinglyStatistics bear this out. Seventy-five per cent of our current subscriber base has been with us for more than two years; many of them for much longer. Our annual subscriber churn (the amount of subscribers who do not renew in a given year) is considered to be much lower than the industry standard.



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